Predictive Maintenance Automation

Predictive Maintenance Automation (PMA) 

Preventative maintenance of equipment and assets is a significant cost contributor whether it is at a federal agency or at a private enterprise. Maintenance requirements grow proportionally as assets age and missions expand. This dynamic affects all physical assets: building facilities, IT services, communications devices, healthcare and military equipment. For defense agencies, aging assets directly affect an organization’s military readiness and its ability to deliver mission-critical and life-impacting operations. The challenge lies in how to manage costs while optimizing operational reliability and capability.  


Our Solution 

We help our customers leverage technology to solve organizational challenges, enable strategic mission capabilities and to empower people through intelligent automation. Our Predictive Maintenance Automation solution uses AI-enabled IoT sensors to provide information intelligence for proactively predicting when an asset will fail. This intelligence not only alerts operators of potential problems, but can automatically order needed parts, schedule maintenance resources, adjust logistics and supply chain activities, and update critical management systems based on the latest operational status. This is possible through the integration of our PMS solution into the digital and robotic automation systems that are part of the customized workflows. Providing this advanced level of automation is required to effectively address the costs and mission challenges affecting agencies today. 


The Benefits of Our Solution 

  • Lower operation and capital costs 
  • Predict and prevent catastrophic issues using data-driven models and sound statistical accuracy 
  • Improve readiness, operational reliability and capability 
  • Provide a repeatable and automated workflow to effectively synchronize all dependent systems